Title/Artist: 'Puffa' by DMR
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, bamboo, polystyrene, vintage nails.
Year Created: 2003
Size (W)x(H): approx 28cm x 23cm
More Info: instagram.com/donna_racovalis | facebook.com/artistdmr
Artwork/Artist Description: Puffa - After a cook up in Sorrento many years ago, there was several sticks soaked in lemon juice left over after a bbq. So after drying them I began thinking about their re-use. A puffer fish seemed the most likely and interesting idea so a combination of foam, bamboo and acrylic paint. I made this over twenty years ago I found this one hard to let go of but here we are it looks just as fresh as the day it was made. Natural wood, clean white paint with a hint of glamorous gold. A bit of fun!
DMR is a vibrant dimensional Australian artist passionate about her Art and her many subjects. Growing up in the Western suburbs of Melbourne. DMR’s message is one of conservation and sustainability, grabbing attention and teaching in the interim through vivacious bright colours and neutrals. Using recycled materials to up-cycle her work. This allows her to brighten your day and space with the vibrance that she has internally, allowing its energy to flow through your space and intrigue you on impact but telling a deeper story (one that can be shared). Instead of signing her work DMR is known for using a resin signature which is an opportunity for her to up-cycle materials. She hopes her work will make you smile as you pass by.